CS info: owner, trade rules, features/traits, rarity etc.
Residence/Living situation
World Role/Occupation/Job
World/universe information
Multiple forms & corresponding information (design, features, important notes etc.)
What they wish the could change, what they wish they could have, what gets them fired up, risks worth taking, things they take for granted, what they have doubts about, what makes them feel alive, what makes them want to do better, what do they want to be remembered for
movies/tv shows/cartoons
Basic profile: Name, name in original language, nicknames, age, dob, gender identity
Biology information: species, ethnicity, sex, gender, pronouns, height, weight, body type, body shape, chest size, various body measurements, blood type
Astrology: starsign/zodiac/chinese zodiac, ascendent/sun/moon, stone, flower, colour, rune divination, element
Background information: birth place, language spoken, level of education, religion, culture, world view
Personality: what they think of themselves, traits & description, enneagram, MBTI, Big 5, alignment, jungian archeteype, temperament, extrovert/introvert, optimist/pessimist, morning/night person, expressiveness, heart/mind,
Psychology: Strengths, weaknesses, flaws, mannerisms, habits, pet peeves, mindset, attitude, mood, philosophy, motivated by
Preferences: Sexual & romantic orientation, turn ons/offs,
Likes & Dislikes: what makes them happy, what makes them sad, interests, loves to do, hates to do, inspired by,
Favourites: food, drink, time of day, activity, colour, style, clothing, music, song, season, game, holiday, book, scent, subject, movie, show, animal, weather, sport, hobby, 7 deadly sins, 7 holy virtues, place, activities, time of day
Quotes, life motto, personal hero
Relationships: what others think of them, platonic, familial, rival, enemy etc.
Ship/SO section: height comparison, body types, dynamic etc.
Backstory/History: early life, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, big moments, important milestones, achievements, failures, biggest mistakes, greatest decisions, life lessons
Design info: value, aquirement, designer, trade status
CS info: owner, trade rules, features/traits, rarity etc.
Residence/Living situation
World Role/Occupation/Job
World/universe information
Multiple forms & corresponding information (design, features, important notes etc.)
What they wish the could change, what they wish they could have, what gets them fired up, risks worth taking, things they take for granted, what they have doubts about, what makes them feel alive, what makes them want to do better, what do they want to be remembered for
Customisation: ability to remove unwanted fields as necessary without breaking the overall layout.